Council Tax is frozen, but protesters storn Town Hall
THE Liberal Democrat and Conservative coalition last night (Wednesday) became the first administration in Camden’s history to freeze council tax.
Senior councillors were congratulating themselves at a cabinet... > more |
Build some homes, Frank tells Brown
MP Dobson warns Town Hall may try to sell stock
HOLBORN and St Pancras MP Frank Dobson flew the flag for council housing on Tuesday night as campaigners rallied at Parliament with a simple message for the government: ‘Invest in our homes’. > more |
Phone helpline worries - SECRET plans to farm calls out from distressed pensioners to a call centre and cut jobs from a key frontline service have been exposed. > more
Dog owners face curbs under control orders - DOG-OWNERS who let their pets off the lead in Camden could face £1,000 fines under new powers being sought... > more
Who do you want to see on Camden’s Walk of Fame? - MUSIC Moguls from some of the world’s largest music establishments including Mean Fiddler and... > more
‘Slum’ landlord is fined £80,000 - A HOUSING manager and his company have been fined nearly £80,000 for allowing tenants to live in rotten, unsafe conditions. > more
‘Stab him in heart’ cry as gang attacked - EYE-witnesses this week described the savage “explosion” of violence in Camden Town which claimed the... > more
Pavilion idea is tabled by sculptor - IS it a box? Is it a plane? No, it’s the proposed new artwork for Hampstead Heath next summer. > more
KX bulldozers poised to roll - THE battle for the King’s Cross railway lands intensified on Friday when developers said they would press ahead with plans to demolish... > more
Protest fails to keep halal meat off menu - HALAL meat goes on the menu next week at the Kilburn school where some parents protested at its introduction. > more
Jews meet to debate violence in Holy Land - A LEADING movie producer and director has urged British Jews critical of Israeli policy to stand up and be counted. > more
Town Hall chief’s ‘no regrets’ over KX probe - MOIRA Gibb, Camden Council’s chief executive, is adamant that the Town Hall was completely justified... > more
Train manager ticketed while buying a ticket - AN OVER-ZEALOUS parking warden has ticketed a man for being 30 seconds too late to put a ticket on his car... > more
Second dog electrocuted by lamppost - A SECOND dog has been electrocuted by a lamppost that was left live for more than three weeks, it has emerged. > more
Anger over week of power failures - REPEATED power cuts have plunged streets into darkness and left business owners and residents fuming at electricity... > more
Lithuania trail led cops to illegal guns - TWO men have been jailed after police cracked a gun-running network linking Lithuania to Kentish Town. > more
Auction sparks fears for future of wildlife haven - A COMMUNITY garden that once provided fresh vegetables to homes in West Hampstead is under threat... > more
Theft turns tourist into a crimefighter - A RETIRED journalist who had his luggage stolen during a trip to South Africa is coming out of retirement to fight crime in... > more
Back-up on way for drugs blitz - A TWO-year drive against drugs in Camden Town will see new police support officers – paid for by the Town Hall – patrolling... > more
Anti-tram fight wins backing - CITY Hall transport experts have thrown their weight behind campaigners fighting to keep a proposed new tram route out of... > more
School-run traffic causes ‘gridlock’ - SQUABBLES at the school gates are usually broken up by the grown-ups.> more
It’s personal as prizewinning young poets express their feelings in magical words - YOUNG William Wordsworths and Philip Larkins recited their thoughts... > more
Grievances aired on radio - THE Book of Grievances – a campaign to encourage young people to talk about the improvements they would like to see in Camden... > more |