Why I'm making the roof my home
Malcom Hunter is to spend 10 nights on the slopes of St Michael's Church roof. Here he reveals how his personal torments have given him an empathy with the dispossessed of Camden Town
I am sleeping and remaining for 10 nights and days on the highest slopes... > more |
Ruth’s Revenge?
IT’S either the pettiest of petty politics or simple hardcore ideology – there cannot be any other reason why the New Labour government has cruelly snubbed Camden Council over a pilot scheme to refurbish down-at-heel estates.
Within days of coming into office, the new coalition of Lib Dems and Tories at the Town Hall, quite naturally, asked housing minister Ruth Kelly to put their name down on the list of local authorities able to take part in an experimental scheme on raising money privately to finance improvements to council estates. > more
Drinking-zone power must not be abused - LAST week’s report of Controlled Drinking Zone powers being used to threaten orderly groups underlines the... > more
What about tenants who have a windfall? - It is quite ludicrous and wrong headed to suggest that social tenants owning a holiday home are in any way... > more
Parking problem is another fine mess we’ve gotten into - I welcome the more sensible parking policies announced by Camden Council – but one thing... > more
Debate has been stifled - Aileen Hammond’s idea to improve the new scrutiny committee arrangements for the Town Hall are well worthy of consideration... > more
‘Police bases’ do not work - So, Hampstead Police Station is being turned into a ‘police base’ in the property next door. > more |