Camden Council has announced plans for a new school, but campaigners say it is in the wrong end of town. Special report by Richard Osley
So what’s in store for your school?
Acland Burghley: Significant demolition. New build art, technology, media, design accommodation, kitchen, assembly hall.
Camden School for Girls: New PE, Learning Support, special educational needs. Remove existing studio and gym. Create external space. Refurbish main building. Extend sixth form block.
Hampstead: Demolish and rebuild science block. Refurbish old teaching and technical blocks. Address demolition and rebuilding of New Block teaching building subject to feasibility.
Haverstock: No change. School recently fully rebuilt via PFI.
La Sainte Union: Demolish rear teaching block and rebuild with general teaching, IT, assembly/sports hall, art studios, music and Learning Resource Centre. Remodel and refurbish other buildings.
Maria Fidelis: Full new build on one site subject to detailed feasibility. Admitting boys to be examined.
Parliament Hill: Remodelling and extension of Heath building teaching block, new hall, new gym/sports building. Refurbishment of Morrant building.
South Camden Community School: Significant demolition. Build new gym, science block, new accommodation on Medburn Centre site, rebuild hall, refurbish kitchen. Extend school by two form entries.
William Ellis: Part demolition and rebuild to replace undersized classrooms, provide drama accommodation, replace computer gallery, extend kitchen, dining and 6th Form provision.
New Secondary School with New all-age Special School: Full new build on one site subject to feasibility. Sixth form entries co-educational secondary school with 250 place 6th Form, co-located with new all-age 230 place special school on Adelaide Road (current Swiss Cottage/Frank Barnes) site.