A way out of our prisons crisis
Lord Ramsbotham warns that we cannot ignore the state of our prisons, as we are all victims of their failures
NO one should take comfort from the fact that our prison system is in crisis. It is easy to say this is because the prisons are overcrowded and that more need to be built... > more |
Lucy leaves the small pond
WHEN London Mayor Ken Livingstone ran housing at the Town Hall in the late 1970s, there came a time when he felt the local pond was too small for him.
He hungered – as he once told this newspaper – for a more political life, and so moved upwards to a higher realm. > more
Heath is big enough for cycles and feet - FAR from joining the shortsighted and selfish Heath for Feet campaign, I’d like to suggest that cycling should be... > more
Is it just highway robbery? - PETER Cuming astutely suggests that the corner of Dalby Street and Prince of Wales Road could be put to better use as an... > more
Hang your heads in shame - I’M sure it was a busy news week, but I’m very surprised the CNJ failed to mention the extraordinary U-turn by the Tory/Lib Dem... > more
Press ministers for a decent option - YOUR report on the Labour Party conference backing the ‘Fourth Option’ of direct investment in council housing... > more
Urban deer not so rare - I was interested to see the article on the sighting of a ‘baby deer’ (Baby deer spotted on way to shops, Oct12) and I think I can suggest what... > more
We are listening over Dalby St - I HAVE read all of the letters in your paper in the last few weeks regarding the proposed closure and ‘stopping up’ of Dalby Street. > more |