Are campaigners doing more harm than good?
JOANNE Chorley was unfairly scathing when attacking the motives of Better Archway Forum, but it has led me to consider what exactly should be the role of local pressure groups such as BAF in the regeneration of a rundown community (The art of lap dancing, November 16).
Residents’ groups of this kind are very good at stopping things happening, but they are less effective when it comes to providing any innovative and original ideas. > more |
Call this listening? - THE council has agreed to implement changes to the home care service from December 1. These changes include the creation of a... > more
Are ID cards safe? - TODAY, families all over the country will be wondering who has got access to their most private information. In Islington 20,000 families will ask... > more
Filling the advice gap - COUNCILLOR Catherine West made a timely call when she asked why it is taking so long for Islington Council to re-open the borough’s only... > more
Ballot box confusion - ELECTIONS for the board of Islington Leaseholders Association (ILA) are under way. But the ILA may not get off the ground. > more |