Road deaths blame game should start with officials
AS distressing as the death of Lisa Pontecorvo is I think it is highly inappropriate for our two Labour MPs to turn it into an opportunity for cheap political point-scoring.
Boris Johnson assumed the mayoralty on May 4. According to your article, Transport for London officials knew of this danger spot as long ago as 2004 but failed to act (Transport chiefs failed tragic Lisa, September 18). > more |
United on the pitch - IF you listened to some of the media you would think Gaza is consumed with infighting. Happily, the 20... > more
Search for Wilsons - I AM trying to help locate a family in the Islington area, having exhausted all other avenues. I am looking for... > more
Are estate staff vetted? - I WONDER how many tenants and residents are aware of the situation where security staff employed on many... > more
Gunners will live on - SO Councillor Katie “Beansprouts” Dawson boldly declares: “Arsenal are terrible neighbours” and “there... > more
Blank these toy guns - ON going into my local post office this morning I was disgusted to find it was selling toy guns. What next?... > more |