Vice-chancellor’s legacy: a university in cash crisis
• THE article on civil service jobs being redeployed from London to the Midlands comes on top of the 550 threatened jobs at London Metropolitan University (500 jobs go as civil service quits tower, March 20).
The civil servants employed at Archway Tower do essential work at... > more |
Lost: voice of tenants - WITH its decision to withdraw funding from the Federation of Islington Tenants Associations (FITA), Homes for Islington... > more
Olympics road dash - YOUR article about crossing times at the junction of Upper Street and Islington Park Street highlighted real concerns about... > more
Your guide to shops - I AM delighted to let readers know about a new Archway Business Directory funded by Archway traders and produced... > more
From Gaza with hope - ISLINGTON Friends of Yibna were delighted with the unanimous Islington Council decision allowing us to hold a town hall... > more
Fuel help frozen out - IF your MP could help pass a Bill in Parliament which could save lives, help the poorest people in Britain, help in the fight against... > more
Slap in face for traders - MORE than 10,000 businesses call Islington home and we know that times have never been tougher for them. Liberal Democrats... > more |