Estate rewiring work has reduced tenants to tears
• I WOULD like to thank the Tribune for featuring the problems residents are experiencing with rewiring on the Popham estate. We have been lucky in having the support of MP Emily Thornberry and councillors Gary Doolan and Martin Klute.
On a daily basis I am receiving calls from residents literally in tears at the prospect of having their home “vandalised” by this work. Lena Shah, Homes for... > more |
Waiting for showers - RECENTLY I have read many emails from tenants literally begging Homes for Islington (HfI) to install showers in council properties... > more
Collapsing society? - ONE doesn’t have to be religious to see that the homosexual lifestyle is disordered, dangerous and destructive (Keep God in... > more
Quirky and quality mix - HOLLOWAY Arts Festival, now in its seventh year, was a huge success. In total, more than 8,000 people have taken part in this... > more
Threat to bingo halls - I WOULD like to applaud Dolores Murray (Why pick on bingo? July 3). Thousands of Islington residents go to bingo every week. > more
Making of a rebel - I WORRY that Labour MP Emily Thornberry may be getting a bit carried away by the government’s decision to keep the Royal... > more
Clear up park mess - I WENT to Highbury Fields on a Sunday morning to kick around a football with my young nephew. Before we could start to play... > more |