quick-fire solutions, please
CHARLES Clarke has for sometime drawn admirers for his intellectual
prowess not so commonly found among his fellow cabinet
members. It could be said at one level that last night (Wednesday)
he also demonstrated political courage with his tour of the
murder mile. We trust he will not return to Whitehall
with quick-fire solutions, accompanied by a dash of spin doctoring,
to address the crisis of social instability facing differing
parts of the borough... more
>> |
Don't let the little
shops down
businesses are part of the unique character of Londons
streets. Specialist bookshop owner Tim Bryers explains why we
must hold onto them
MENTION Charing Cross
Road to any visitor to London and the number 84 will probably
come irresistibly to mind, doubtless associated with images
of eccentric booksellers whether it be a repressed Anthony
Hopkins, corresponding to the point of excess, or a rather less
repressed Bernard Black communing with a bottle of something
terrible waste of young lives - Another senseless,
avoidable, fatal stabbing in Camden on Saturday... more
We are
failures on green issues - As a resident
on the Regents Park estate, I look out each morning
to all of those flat-roofed low-rise blocks and imagine them...
more >>
No surprise
at death - I am saddened but
unsurprised by the fourth Clozapine-related death in Camden
(Patient died despite alert over drug, Jan 26)... more
need a say in managing their homes - In
his letter last week, Mick Sweeney, Chief Executive of the
Community Housing Group (CHG), alleges that... more
us return for loss of park - Camden
is proud of its £1.5m revamp of Cantelowes Gardens,
a small park on Camden Road, next to Camden School for Girls...
us cycle in Regent's Park but dangerous riders, watch it!
- Dear Camdens dangerous cyclists:
Red lights are for you also. You may not think of yourself...
us Swiss Cottage leisure centre prices -
It is high time for Camden Council to come clean
on the full range of charges for the new Swiss Cottage leisure
centre... more
No school divisions
on class - The government must
compromise on the Education White paper. A free market is
not the way to improve the chances of pupils... more
new Tube the best it can be - I
wanted to elaborate on the very brief quote attributed to
me in your article about Camden Town Tube station, which may
have... more