Bring it back: Gomez return with a classic album
The Forum
A LESSER band than Gomez might quake at the risky prospect of playing a 10-year-old album from start to finish... > more |
Bloodclot! pumped up, but it’s no place for vain
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Voicing our approval for Shout Out Louds
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Swervedriver on road again
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Music video
The King Blues play Camden Lock
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Emotional return as Petrol-heads get their fill - FORGET the Led Zeppelin reunion. Or the My Bloody Valentine comeback shows. There was only one band that... > more
Burnsong uncovers hot Scots talents - MAYBE you can’t get too up on yourself with a name like Polwart, but when egos were handed out this Scottish... > more |
Sunny days for the Don – then hellfire
Royal Opera House
The ROH’s opening night of the season on Monday, a revival of the 2002 production of Mozart’s Don Giovanni, was a great ... > more |
Warm up those vocal chords - COME September, north London is alive again with the sound of amateur choirs and choral societies rehearsing for autumn and...>more |