Midwives have a role to play in home births
Wendy Savage believes that midwives are more than capable of overseeing uncomplicated home births
THE government policy launched last week ‘Maternity Matters’ was greeted... > more |
Face the facts on schools
WHEN it comes to a search for the site of a new secondary school in the south of the borough, the attitude of the mandarins who run our local authority seems to be: “Our minds are made up – don’t bother us with the facts!” .
A suggestion this week by a reader, a retired teacher, that the old St Martin’s College of Art buildings in Bloomsbury would make a good secondary, has been batted... > more
Why should parents be given special treatment? - UNIVERSITY College School is holding an auction of promises on June 24, and was auctioning “the chance... > more
Take away my guarantee and endanger free travel - COUNCILLOR Keith Moffitt is wrong to say there is no threat to the Freedom Pass ( Free bus travel is safe with us... > more
Police are doing well in the fight against street youth crime - IN view of your recent reports as to the incidence of street crime in Camden, can I offer a word... > more
Concerts are needed - IF concerts do resume at Kenwood then we would of course include classical concerts as part of a wider programme. > more
We need planning inquiry - THE verdict of the judicial review on the grant of planning permission for a house in the Vale of Health must remove the last ... > more
Heath no place for cyclists - AS a lifelong cyclist and professional transport planner, I never cease to make the case for cycling. Indeed, I believe that to make... > more
Play ball, and give the kids a break - YOUR report on the sudden banning of ball games at Grove Place estate looks depressingly like another example of... > more
A PR exercise in democracy - GIVEN there has been so much disagreement concerning the proposed dog control orders, I would like to know what exactly a “public... > more
We’ve had enough of mobile phones masts near our homes - BEDFORD House on Camden High Street accommodates Somerfield Supermarket with... > more
Barges run rail very close - WRITING as a resident of Islington, where I can pick up an issue of the Camden New Journal at the junction of Brecknock Road... > more
Don’t sell family silver - THE report that the Royal Free is selling its family silver (March 29) makes no sense.Any Chief Executive would never sell its assets... > more
Shame to lose social centre - SOON we will see the closure of St Joseph’s Parish Centre in Archway, one of the most popular Catholic centres in London. > more
Find your keys here - I FOUND a set of keys in the gutter outside the corner shop on Torriano Avenue and Leighton Road on Friday. > more
What is going on with recycling? - AS a citizen currently in Islington but of recent Camden origin, I feel aware of my ethical obligations towards recycling. > more
Tesco’s abuse of parking rules - I PASS through Heath Street and England’s Lane every morning and most evenings. > more
They deserve our sympathy - WHEN people think of mental health patients they automatically think of psychotic people willing to cause society harm. > more
Do you have the time to help us help the blind? - THE Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB) is the main UK charity to provide help and support to people... > more