Forming union could be in docs’ healthy interests
Doctors are ready to step into the political arena to fight recruitment reforms, writes Dr Judy King
THE saga of the junior doctors’ job application process has dragged on for months. > more
Ask not for whom the alarm bell tolls – for it tolls for thee, London
BE prepared: that incomparable view from the Thames of St Paul’s Cathedral may soon become part of a lost world. Those superb grand views from Primrose Hill and Parliament Hill may be erased from our cherished London landscape.
Far fetched? The powers-that-be would never allow such vandalism on such an unimaginable scale? > more
Stop the excuses - RE your article, Murder haunts community (May 24), Mr Farah of the Somali Community Association says: “The parents of these... > more
£2m to the poor - I REFER to a recent article regarding the man who won the rights to land on Hampstead Heath worth £2 million. > more
Nuisance youths an old problem for us - RESIDENTS of Haverstock are terrified by the acts of sheer youth disorder, drug abuse and violence culminating... > more
Policing around here is total cop out - MIKE Katz is right about Lib Dems having failed to address police issues in Haverstock Ward since they were put into... > more
‘Music ban’ is out of tune - YOUR article (Music ban puzzle for estate that’s so quiet, May 24) has either innocently or deliberately misunderstood the... > more
Sell-off will threaten our affordable rents - A RECENT article by Rose Hacker referred to the possible disposal of council housing by any means possible... > more
Victory in struggle over fines-trap lane - PEOPLE will have noticed that the Bloomsbury Street bus lane was amended by the council in March. > more
School buses have their drawbacks - SCHOOL Transport Action Group (Stag) criticises those who have been pressing for Camden to stick to its guns... > more
Red tape soaks up NHS cash - TONY Blair was pictured posing happily with staff during his visit to the Royal Free Hospital (Blair admits failure over NHS... > more
Peddling myths on cyclists’ behaviour - A PEDESTRIAN has called for all cars to be banned from Camden because she was hit by a speeding one... > more
China whispers - IN answer to Barry Fox’s letter (Refuse to tell the truth?, May 24), there is no secret about the way Camden Council recycles. > more
How government is failing to deliver on our post offices - PEOPLE have been understandably alarmed at the Labour government’s decision to... > more
Rose, pursuit of profit is thorn in our side - I APPLAUD Rose Hacker for her excellent column last week, detailing how ‘The pursuit of profit has led to... > more
Freedom of Information should keep tabs on MPs - THANK you to the CNJ for your article about a Conservative MP’s plans to allow Parliament to opt... > more
Time to push clocks ahead - A FEW weeks ago, I was lucky enough to enjoy the good weather and the company of friends at a barbecue. > more
Excercise fairness over gym - I'M sorry David Newman has got his underpants in a twist over this seeming bias towards women (Gym facilities fit for... > more
Talacre Gardens - TALACRE Gardens a protected ‘Town Green’ (Bid to turn Talacre into a Town Green, May 17)... > more
Al-Anon helpline - LOCK up alcoholics for their own good (May 10) was interesting and balanced. It is painful to see people suffering with diseases... > more |