Borough’s pupils deserve better
Geethika Jayatilaka argues that plans for a new school will fail some of the most vulnerable students
THE Building Schools for the Future Programme is an ambitious Labour agenda to rebuild or renew every secondary school in England. > more |
Choice? What does it mean?
CHOICE? This is the latest buzz word for politicians of all parties. But what sort of choice, many parents may be asking, have they been given when it comes to the site of the borough’s new secondary school.
In a bit of political sleight-of-hand, the Lib Dem/Tory coalition will no doubt attempt to comfort critical parents by arguing that their choice of a site – in Swiss Cottage – is not the final word on the subject. That, they say, will only come after the fullest of consultations – and one which will take a year, involving parents, teachers and schools, according to the decision taken last night (Wednesday) by the council’s cabinet. > more
Name and shame them - THE blood boils now that I fully understand what the developer is up to at Dalby Street (Dalby Street plans need to be stopped, October 5). > more
Appalled at way Town Hall treated youngsters - RE: the letter about the Camden Untied Project demonstration outside the Town Hall (Youth protest attack is... > more
Labour should sort out funding for council housing renovations - RICHARD Osley wrote about the vote on council housing at the Labour party conference... > more
Police cells need upgrade - I UNDERSTAND that Home Office prisoners are shortly to be accommodated in London police cells. At this point in time it is not clear... > more
Mixed up over policies - IT seems that policy announcements from the Tory/Lib Dem coalition in the Town Hall are a bit like buses – nothing for ages, then... > more