Don’t kid yourself it’s just not happening
Today marks the start of Operation Athena, an initiative to publicise the effects of domestic violence
IT shouldn’t happen to anyone, but it happens to millions of people each year. In some cases it may lead to murder. > more |
New Labour sells out again
THE secret side of New Labour is revealed this week with the news that for the first time housing associations in Britain are gearing up to dispose of their properties on the open market.
Under Margaret Thatcher’s reforms council tenants were given the right to buy their homes – at a heavily discounted rate. Now New Labour has gone one step further along the free market road by persuading several housing associations nationally – including Community Housing Association (CHA) in Camden – to pilot a scheme allowing tenants to purchase their homes on a shared-equity basis. > more
Religious schools cause divisions - MY eye caught the misleading headline on Rose Hacker’s article (Religious education is divisive in tragic ways, Nov 23). > more
Private risk to GPs surgeries - SO, the privatisation of healthcare has now arrived in GP surgeries in Camden (US firms in picture to run GP surgeries, Nov 23). > more
Put end to junk mail - FOR nine months I have been collecting and counting the pieces of paper that arrive unsolicited through my letterbox. This does not include... > more
Tram route is one of several - I WAS pleased to read your reported quote from Transport for London, that “the (Cross River tram) route (under consultation) is just one... > more
Advice cuts: Prevention is better than cure - I AM of course aware of the significant interest being taken in the council’s review of the voluntary sector. > more
We must build up our communities - PETER Cadogan was spot on in his Forum piece (What has happened to our communities?, November 16). > more
Is politics finally coming of age? - I MUST admit I am not a fan of American culture. Cheeseburgers, drag racing and teen horror movies are certainly not to my taste. > more |