Penny-pinching on pensioners is taking a cheap shot at elderly
Saving money by handing services for the elderly to the private sector sells our most vulnerable residents short, writes Sally Gimson
MRS C has lived in Camden... > more |
Brown’s British Library site decision is a scandal
NOW you see it, now you don’t!
In the summer Gordon Brown pledged a great housing programme for the nation, promising to build on every brownfield site.
While cynics wondered whether there would be enough sites... > more
Centralisation of policing to hit 999 response times - DESPITE claims to the contrary, there can be little doubt that the Metropolitan Police’s “Asset... > more
A history of low-flying aircraft - IN the 1960s it was a regular complaint among local Hampstead residents with professional knowledge of aircraft that... > more
Flood of geriatric patients is upon us - I WOULD like to add one or two things to Rose Hacker’s article (With help we can learn to live again, November 22). > more
Take a look at the skatepark’s opening hours - I USE the recently completed world class skateboard facility in Cantelowes Gardens, Camden Road... > more
Head first - YET another closure of the children’s pool at Swiss Cottage swimming baths, for 10 days this time. > more
Chop chop - WEAPONS of mass destruction are truly in the hands of Regent’s Park contractors; the hedges forming the entire length of the park... > more
Dedication - I WOULD like to mark the contribution that Brenda Degerdon, who has passed away this week, made to Rhyl Primary and other... > more
Graceless station art - I HAD my first glass of champagne at St Pancras International last Wednesday and no one could fail to be immensely impressed... > more
Raise revenue with an immediate tax on the throw-away plastic shopping bag - THANKS for the letter Mayor Livingstone (Take action now to... > more
Mosque open day a great success- WE congratulate the King’s Cross Mosque and Islamic Cultural Centre on the successful community open day. > more
More care for some! - MY neighbour, who is elderly, infirm and housebound, has recently been assessed and, along with other unfortunates whose... > more
Park fight - CAN I urge readers to support the protest – on Sunday morning – against the proposed development of just under five acres of Regent’s... > more
Pupils’ loss - I WAS surprised to see a councillor citing “Camden’s historical shortage of school places” as a reason for supporting the building of an... > more
Heath view - WITH regret, your article “Protest as Heath car park ticket jumps 50 per cent” (November 29) was misleading. > more
Party debts - PERHAPS all party members, supporters and their cohorts who are not household names before entering the political arena... > more |