Your vote can help drive out pollution
Should drivers of ‘gas-guzzlers’ pay more for parking? asks council leader James Kempton
LISTENING to Islington is my top priority as council leader. We are asking residents for their views more than ever before... > more |
Prison listeners ready in a crisis - AT Pentonville there is a team of dedicated listeners, all trained by the Samaritans, who provide 24-hour assistance to any... > more
80 deaths but still no action - I WAS astounded to see from Islington’s annual audit assessment that the council still has absolutely no strategy for dealing... > more
Unfair tax fuels wealth gap - MP Emily Thornberry’s PA accuses me of attacking tax credits. Far from it. Tax credits are essential, because the tax system... > more
Nightclub fears are unfounded - YOUR article states that Urdang Academy plans to turn the beautiful Finsbury Town Hall into some kind of nightclub (Town hall... > more
I don’t want a new landlord - I AM a council tenant living in one of the Packington Square flats in Islington with my young family – children aged from two to 17. > more
Democracy in danger- NOT content with his role in voting for the abolition of democracy at EC1 New Deal, it seems the recently “selected” EC1 New Deal board... > more |