Why were coach protests ignored?
• AS someone who has always voted Lib Dem, I will re-think my choice come the next election, and urge other Lib Dem supporters to do likewise.
Following the east area committee’s decision to allow coaches bringing football supporters to the Emirates Stadium to park in nearby streets and at the Sobell Centre, I find Councillor James Kempton’s repeated claims that under his leadership the council is “listening to residents” are nothing but empty spin (Football coaches stay ... > more |
Passions roused by Art Deco doors - RESIDENTS of Lorraine Mansions in Holloway are overwhelmingly opposed to the replacement of their Art Deco doors on the... > more
Ming’s right, Olympics can work for us - I WAS fascinated to hear Sir Menzies Campbell refer to the 2012 Olympics in his speech at the opening of New North... > more
Threats to our bus pass - COUNCILLOR John Gilbert has a nerve to say that Ken Livingstone is a threat to our Freedom Pass (It’s Ken who’s a threat to Freedom... > more
Homes gap - THE council needs to build more homes, but, if right-to-buy is still in operation, all that will happen is that many of them will eventually be sold by... > more
Thick, pungent cloud of hypocrisy in the air - THERE are fundamental flaws in Islington Council’s decision to hold a referendum to decide the cost of residents’ parking... > more
Arrogance of ‘listening’ Town Hall - I AM becoming increasingly concerned at the apparent disregard for public opinion that Islington’s ruling Lib Dems currently... > more
Where did grass go? - THE article, A plane case of vandalism (June 15), reports the loss of plane trees in Pentonville Road due to the conversion of the former Nat West... > more
Leave our park alone - I WAS concerned to learn that ECI New Deal for Communities is going ahead with its planning application to level Radnor Street Gardens and... > more
Estate agents rule - WHO is Councillor James Kempton referring to in his remark “council tax-payers would be up in arms” if there were more affordable... > more