A slap in the face from our ‘listening landlord’
ON Monday evening about 50 leaseholders picketed the Homes for Islington (HfI) board meeting. We also attended the question-and-answer session at the start of the meeting.
Leaseholders are angry at HfI’s interference in elections for Islington Leaseholders Association (ILA), which leaseholders voted by 76 per cent to establish... > more |
We must bridge gulf - I WAS surprised to see you put me down as a Labour councillor in your paper (‘Apartheid’ that divides rich and poor under fire... > more
What did union do? - IN the Tribune last year we criticised the middle-class trade union Unison for doing nothing to prevent Care UK, in collusion... > more
There is a black voice - I WAS surprised to read that ex-mayor Michael Boye-Anawomah was under the impression that there are no black councillors... > more
Do troops back wars? - THE demo at Trafalgar Square organised by the Stop the War Coalition last week was well attended by a crowd estimated as... > more
Remember the fallen - THIS year Remembrance Sunday falls on Armistice Day itself, November 11. > more
Angel’s delights - CAN I emphasise to customers at Chapel Market in Angel that it is business as usual despite the current changes. > more |