Don’t despair, pioneering health centre can still be saved from axe
A consultation exercise rules out the possibility of saving Finsbury Health Centre, but Barb Jacobson believes public pressure could still change minds
ALTHOUGH it does feel like a “done deal"... > more |
We haven’t bottled it - YOUR columnist was right to highlight that bottled water represents a waste of money and resources. > more
Let’s vote for our Alex - CAN I prevail on readers to vote for Alexandra Burke, who will be appearing in Saturday’s The X Factor programme on ITV. > more
Pull strings for puppets - CAN you help Little Angel Theatre? Our Islington treasure, the home and powerhouse of British puppetry, has just heard that the Arts Council... > more
They save, we pay - EAMON McGoldrick, chief executive of Homes for Islington, states that HfI has made £4million of savings in the last four years, say since 2004. > more
We want your views - BARB Jacobson comments that “the PCT is making little effort to make this consultation accessible to people who use the health centre”... > more
In the swim for charity - I WOULD like to thank the Tribune for the piece about my charity swim... > more
Poll points the way - A RECENT YouGov poll of marginal constituencies has predicted that the Liberal Democrats are going to win Islington South and Finsbury... > more
Common sense policy - HERE in Islington we pride ourselves on a “common sense” parking policy, so I was troubled to read the letter from George Durack... > more
Give us bins for batteries - IT is difficult to dispose of energy-saving lamps containing mercury, and non-recyclable batteries containing noxious metals. > more
Ladies have a future - MY prediction is that the credit crunch will last three to four years and the euro will become the leading international currency. > more |