Beware, the 20mph ban will change daily travel patterns
• AT the risk of upsetting road sign manufacturers, I feel I should jump to the defence of Tim Newark. In your letters page, Andrew Myer has accused Mr Newark of scaremongering with his forecasts of extra 20mph road signs (Fewer signs up ahead, October 9). However, on this occasion, Mr Newark was merely echoing the threats the council had expressed in a public consultation brochure.
The council’s exact words were: “We will install 20mph signs at road entrances and at regular intervals along the roadside.” I was quite shocked to see this because, like Mr Myer, I expected a blanket 20mph scheme to result in fewer road signs, not more. > more |
Was buying a mistake? - LAST week I met representatives from Homes for Islington (HfI) at Councillor Terry Stacy’s suggestion, to discuss my major works bill for £17,302. > more
More room, and a view - I MANAGED to catch one of the evening peak-time overground trains from Stratford to Highbury. I did not think that the view out of the... > more
Take note, taxi users - I SYMPATHISE with Jade Fletcher (Black cab driver makes off with a dress and passport, October 2). But it’s incorrect to suggest young ladies... > more
Patients come first - WE agree with the Department of Health and Councillor Martin Klute that patient healthcare need should be the primary consideration... > more
Spectre of demolition - AT last week’s full council meeting, Councillor Katie Dawson tabled a motion asking the council to ensure that the Sobell Centre... > more
A case of bite or bark - THANKS to the Tribune for helping publicise the problem of dogs damaging trees. > more |