Council wants to ‘airbrush social housing out of Westminster’ says MP
CITY Hall leader Colin Barrow has met senior Tories to discuss scrapping long-term rental tenancies and a plan to evict ... > more |
The final lenk in the chain
Eccentric artist’s work finally to see light of day after years in storage
SEVEN years ago the eccentric painter and enfant terrible of the art world Robert Lenkiewicz died penniless, an embalmed corpse of a tramp in his ... > more |
‘Walkie talkies will help stem crime’ - PUB landlords in the West End are to be issued with police style walkie talkies in a bid to combat a sharp rise in bag snatchings ...>more
From little oak trees, a great Italian centrepiece will grow - IT took four long months of searching: Famed Italian architect Renzo Piano literally could not see the ...>more
Crossrail’s £1bn boost - CROSSRAIL has been given a funding boost with the promise of a £1billion loan. The European Investment Bank (EIB) will lend the ...>more
School’s out picnic for kids - PARENTS who have chosen to take their children out of mainstream education are set to hold a “not back to school picnic” in ...>more |