How low must the Tube go?
IN the wake of the Metronet fiasco, MP Jeremy Corbyn calls for a publicly run and controlled improvement scheme for London Underground.
JULY 16 was another grim day for the history of London Underground, with the collapse of Metronet, who had been... > more |
Story that’s provoked a strong reaction, and why it’s not always right to take a child away
EVER since we reported the tragic story of 12-year-old Salma ElSharkawy, a child in care, for whom Camden Council had full parental responsibility, distraught parents have called at our offices, phoned or emailed us – all relating heart-breaking stories about how their children were taken away by social workers. > more
There’s money around to pay for new school - AT last week’s council executive meeting, the Labour opposition strongly supported an “open competition” on the type... > more
Something to celebrate - SECURING University College London’s involvement in a new secondary school for Camden is a triumph for executive member for... > more
Other work threatened - MAY I make a point about the controversy surrounding the proposal for a new secondary school in Camden? > more
We need a fair and open competition - GIVEN the difficulties some parents have in finding a good school for their children, there is no doubt more school spaces... > more
Where it’s easier to see GP - SEVERAL correspondents have written recently to say they have difficulty getting to see their doctor. > more
Save a house, keep the roof on - AS a former architect and member of Hampstead Conservation Area Advisory Committee, might I tentatively suggest that... > more
Bill for road closures - HAVE I missed the point or has Councillor Jonathan Simpson completely missed it? > more
Bring back the talkies - I MUST thank your excellent film critic William Hall for reminding us how so many films are practically incoherent these days (Heavy metal... > more
Grant cut just a start? - Congratulations to John Gulliver for his excellent exposure of the Lib Dem-Tory conspiracy in cutting off the £8,000 grant to the Irish Elderly... > more
MMR hero - YOUR MMR story (They saved my child’s life, July 19) nearly mirrors my experience with my son and the measles, mumps and rubella injection. > more |