Gilgamesh restaurant repossessed by market landlords
CAMDEN Town’s glitiziest restaurant has been repossessed in a row over unpaid debts, the New Journal can reveal.
Gilgamesh, an up-market... > more |
Lobby groups unite to save British Library land
Mayor Ken rules out intervention on sale of Brill Place property
A COALITION of citizens and community groups formed this week to fight the government’s sale of publicly-owned land behind the British Library in Somers Town and demand social housing. > more |
Neighbourhood teams’ targets pressure - THE ‘citizens’ panels’ designed to democratise London’s showcase community policing project... > more
Who’ll care for Adrienne, 100?- A 100-YEAR-OLD pensioner could lose her carer who she has known for more than two decades under plans to farm out... > more
Visitor from No10 salutes her old school’s £3m transformation - PRIME Minister’s wife Sarah Brown marvelled at her old school’s new performing arts block... > more
£7m revamp - A MULTI-million pound scheme to revamp Camden High Street is to be announced next week. > more
‘Glastonbury danger’ if pop music crowds are allowed to grow - THE Kenwood Concerts will turn into Glastonbury-style pop music festivals causing... > more
First-time novelist books her place in prize shortlist - A BOOKSELLER has been shortlisted for a national writing prize that could win her a publishing... > more
‘Who needs Ibiza when you’ve got King’s Cross?’ - A CLUBBING paradise in King’s Cross that will be lost to developers at the end of the year is... > more
Student who died in car crash is the face on church painting - THE grieving parents of a student killed in a car crash in France have remembered their son... > more
Critics hit at absentee councillor - A LIBERAL Democrat councillor who has moved out of the borough intends to carry on at the Town Hall. > more
Lines are drawn in Brixton tram link controversy - A SURVEY revealing popular support for a tram linking Brixton with Camden Town has been attacked... > more
Reunion for the children of Talacre - FOR more than 30 years the idealistic young people who founded the Talacre open space, the public park on a former... > more
Homeless artist is ‘threatened with an Asbo’ by police - A HOMELESS street artist whose pastel drawings have captured the imagination of people... > more
Hollywood beckons for market trader - A GRAPHIC novel created by a market trader is to be turned into a $35 million Hollywood feature film next year. > more
No inquiry into £120k sabotage - SABOTAGE of an entire housing estate’s gas supply four days before Christmas was never fully investigated by council... > more
Numbers add up for the 184 drugs centre - A WALK-IN drug treatment centre in the heart of Camden Town’s crack cocaine market will reduce addiction... > more
Mansion ‘doomed’ - THE Victorian Highgate mansion, Athlone House, looks doomed as architects for the new owners prepare plans to demolish the building. > more
Group to put basement case - THE Heath and Hampstead Society are set to meet Town Hall officers to put forward their case for changing planning rules. > more
‘Chill out’, ice-cream men tell traffic wardens - TRADITIONAL ice-cream vans are being driven out of Somers Town because of impatient traffic wardens... > more
It’s all change for the King’s Cross rail land - THE architectural landscape of the King’s Cross railway lands has been swept aside as if by an earthquake... > more |