We need better homes, not a wasteful £500m vanity project
Promises that the National Institute for Medical Research will bring jobs to Somers Town fall wide of the real needs of the people that live there, says John Mason. > more |
A rant that was blind to Ken’s achievements
MARTIN Bright, political editor of the New Statesman, went hunting for Ken Livingstone on Monday night with his documentary on Channel 4. He threw allegations at him from all directions – he was a supporter of an anti-semitic, homophobic, misogynistic Muslim preacher, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, a disciple of the Venezuelan “dictator” Hugo Chavez, he was guilty of cronyism and had surrounded himself with political buddies from a far left fringe group from the 1970s. Bright went further in the Evening Standard. Don’t vote for Ken, he urged readers.
Was it a “hatchet job” as Ken insisted?. > more
Consider the whole route 393 picture - THE 393 buses with their attendant heavy lorries cause all the houses down the west end of Leighton Road to vibrate because... > more
We do care about your feet - IN the New Journal you printed a letter (A backward step for foot care, January 10) about podiatry services at the Belsize Priory Health Centre. > more
Basement questions - IF the proposed sub-basement work on Dartmouth Park Road (Hold back on basements, December 27) gets the go-ahead how will other... > more
A free and open society will make me feel safe - LAST week I watched the film Goodnight and Good Luck about the challenge to Senator Joseph McCarthy... > more
Coen brothers gain inspiration from WB Yeats - WILLIAM Hall says of this Coen brothers’ movie, No Country for Old Men (Review, January 17) “Strange title... > more
Late news - Under your jesting heading (A blight Christmas, January 10) a letter from an unnamed resident – and it had to be one from Primrose Hill didn’t it – moaned... > more
Too many traffic lights and street clutter already - IT was great to read about the greening of Camden (Plan to create greener borough, January 17). > more
Statin effects - THAT “statins are spectacularly successful at combating heart disease” (Superdrug death link? January 10) is a grossly misleading statement. > more
Energy metering would be a retrograde step - CONSERVATIVE Councillor Chris Philp, chair of the influential housing and adult social care scrutiny panel at the... > more
Vision for Hampstead Town Hall - I ENTIRELY agree with the comments on concerning Hampstead Town Hall by Gerry Isaaman and Nigel Steward (December 13)... > more
The changing face of Primrose Hill - I CAME across your website after reading about Rose Hacker. > more
Women only, please - I WOULD like to respond to Michael Andrew (Deep trouble after going to watch the pond ladies, January 10). > more
School decisions beg so many questions - I WAS surprised that there were no letters in response to Councillor Adrian Oliver’s defence of the Frank Barnes School... > more
Carreras - I AM hoping to contact anyone who might have participated in the Camden History Society’s Millennium Oral History project about people working at the... > more
This land is our land - THE saga regarding the land behind the British Library goes on and on. > more
Ignoring the plight of leaseholders and tenants - I SUPPORT the latest push to make the case to government for direct investment in Camden’s council housing stock. > more
Does anyone out there think this is a good idea? - PETER Cuming’s interesting letter (There is sufficient space in our parks for centuries of burials, January 3)... > more |