Wanted: a helping hand from Theatreland
With many theatres struggling to sell tickets, the refusal of West End houses to advertise Fringe productions is damaging the whole industry, writes John Plews
MANY theatres across London are struggling for audiences at the moment. > more |
Have they finally learned lesson on home for new school?
UNLESS the council pulls off a piece of fancy footwork, we sense it may find itself boxed into a corner over its almost perverse attitude on the siting of a secondary school in south Camden.
So far, the council has said No, No and yet again No to any... > more
Why we’re scared of firms muscling in on NHS - YES, you bet we’re scared, Dr Richard Smith (What are you scared of? July 10). > more
Paradise lost: now’s time to use precious shops - PARADISE Foods of 164 Kentish Town Road featured in an article on small... > more
Schools share: council must do homework - ROBIN Young’s letter (Perplexed, July 10) may well represent what many coming to this... > more
Address the cultural, not just knife problems - WHEN my father was young in the 1920s he collected cereal coupons from Nestlé. > more
Exhibition celebrates the unique character of Fitzrovia - I WRITE as a ward councillor for Bloomsbury, which includes a part of Fitzrovia. > more
Where are police for real crime? -IS this unbelievable or what? > more
Coventrybombing - ALTHOUGH Bruce Kent has made some corrections to his earlier review of Human Smoke by Nicholson Baker... > more
On target - A BRILLAINT effort at satire (or farce): Next to the story (Peace message at school, July 10) you show in glorious colour... > more
Axe the tax - WHAT a crazy tax system where some over 75-year-olds who donate money by Gift Aid are penalised but where some... > more
Cheats grab disabled drivers’ parking spots - I BELIEVE every borough should have at least one employee responsible for disabled bay parking... > more
Heading down a blind alley - THE picture showing the proposed develop ment in front of Talacre sports centre (July 10), shows how... > more
Far from streetwise on safety - FOLLOWING last week’s correspondence about Talacre, I enquired how the new road, 4.8 metres wide and with no... > more
Dalby Street consultations are just an expensive mistake - WHAT local residents wonder around here is what planet the exec utives have been.. > more
It’s not about politics, it’s what’s best for all of the children - AS a Conservative LEA governor of Edith Neville School, I am writing to assure... > more
Merger can be a positive move - THE merging and relocation of two schools must cause legitimate concern to existing parents on many levels. > more
Despite problems, it’s still a class act - AS a former governor, deputy chairman and chairman of the finance committee, I can confirm that... > more
History of cobbles - REFERENCE your report (Historic cobbles are lost in Tarmac bungle July 3), the most astonishing aspect of the story must... > more
Restoring services - I UNDERSTAND K McCarthy’s anger at the demise of West Hampstead Community Association, but the letter... > more |