This plan to chop down trees is sheer vandalism
• I AM writing to protest most vehemently against the scandalous proposal to chop down up to 20 trees in the little park opposite my flat in Colebrooke Row, Angel.
With the apparent blessing of the council, Islington is being concreted over with new developments, and peaceful, shady, green spaces are extremely few and far between. They should be nurtured and treasured. Yet, it is planned to take a chainsaw to the trees which bring beauty and shade to a corner of Islington which is a conservation area surrounded by listed buildings. > more |
Make our voice heard - IF Lillian Ladele has been following the correspondence columns of the Tribune, she will have noticed that none of her detractors has produced... > more
Fuss-free care checks - THE Labour opposition on Islington Council has received a lot of publicity recently for its idea of councillors making unannounced spot checks... > more
Harassed by rogues - AS chair of Islington Community Safety Board, I am pleased that police will be establishing a new team in the Nag’s Head and Finsbury Park... > more
Revealed: life in Gaza - MP Jeremy Corbyn’s terminology is very apt (‘Life in Gaza prison’, February 8). The “prisoners” in the south of Gaza escaped for a while over... > more
Let’s get building - THE debate on affordable housing has broken out again (To 13,000 on the waiting list affordable housing is priority, February 1). > more
Plight of the lonely - I HAVE been trying for 30 years to highlight the plight of people in places like Arlington House in Camden Town, but to no avail. > more |