Who will win and lose in this regeneration game?
EC1 New Deal chairman Matthew Humphreys declares that he wishes “to be judged on his record” (Champion of estates: Things are a lot better, June 27). Such a politician-like declaration would normally indicate this would be put to the test before an electorate.
But under Mr Humphreys’ leadership, elected EC1 New Deal board members were thrown off the board, for daring to voice opinions of the community... > more |
One-way solution - ON the afternoon of Monday, June 16, there were two car accidents at the Hornsey Road end of Tollington Way in Holloway.> more
For sale: family silver - YET again the Lib Dems seem determined to sell the family silver for a song. Having sat on the Moorfields School site... > more
Shameful attitude - A MONTH ago, on a Saturday evening, a Bruce Springsteen concert took place at the Emirates Stadium. Islington Council... > more
Is this job necessary? - AT a time when people are losing jobs thanks to the credit crunch and rampant inflation, isn’t it reassuring to know our... > more
Cherish park gallery - I AM writing to give my emphatic support to keep gallery:space open in Finsbury Park and to request that Haringey... > more
Courage of our MPs - I HAVE been extremely concerned for some time about the situation of Palestinian residents in the Gaza strip, especially... > more
Question time for public, with interruptions from the mayor - I WOULD suggest the Liberal Democrats have a whip-round and buy the... > more
Really back to front - I’M reminded of US architect Frank Lloyd Wright’s dictum when an architectural mistake has been made: “Plant vines!” > more |