we need a new school
Frank Dobson argues that parents simply
want good schools close to home
THE governments Education Bill will fragment our education
system. Schools run by unelected business sponsors will compete
with one another. Locally elected education authorities will
have the duty to try to look after the interests of all the
children in their area but they wont have the powers to
do anything about it.
> more
steady hand at the health service wheel
FIRST reaction, among many people, to the savage job losses
announced this week by the Royal Free Hospital is to cast the
blame on hospitals board and its chief executive Andrew
Way .
Incompetence and maladministration these are probably
the accusations many will level at the Frees management.
> more
I want
apology for horror on the buses - I am a mother of two (aged
five years and 10 months). On March 8, I collected my eldest
son from his school in Aldwych... >
of Tube and the Oyster scam - In last weeks CNJ you
observed in your second editorial (Solving the debt) how private
companies are taking over... >
South End Green debacle is responsibility
of the Town Hall - I feel saddened by the lack of
vision and support expressed in some of the letters in last
weeks CNJ... >
lets down loyal Muslim voters - As a Muslim hoping to stand
for election as a Liberal Democrat in the Camden Borough council
elections on May 4... >
generations need to enjoy Kings Cross too - Councillor
John Thanes sideswipe at your coverage of the Kings
Cross debate is a classic case of blaming... >
on housing - A couple of weeks ago I sent a letter to John
Prescott demanding to know why the government was sitting on
£283 million which had been... >
on play area? Incredible - I am sure I speak for many in
deploring the destruction of the playground at Bray council
estate in Adelaide Road, apparently in order... >
literary past - Campaigners who are trying to find a suitable
buyer for the Camden property in which the French poets Paul
Verlaine and Arthur Rimbaud... >
not too late to protest in a thriving Belsize Village -
I am happy to join the campaign launched last week in your letters
pages by Alan Brownjohn and others to... >
We need more cops to solve drug problem - The chaos surrounding
the imminent ban on the legitimate sale of legal goods termed
drugs paraphernalia is... >
action - After the expense (£40) and inconvenience
of replacing my bicycles tires and inner tubes last week
after riding through broken glass on a cycle path... >
did us proud - As a governor of South Camden Community School,
I would like to offer my congratulations to the group of students
who attended a memorial... >
Bear cheek
- E H Shepards illustrations of Winnie-the-Pooh (Pooh
could be a bit of a cross to bear, March 16) are said never
to have been acknowledged by... >
We should
cash in on the Whittington connection - IN December 2004
TfL broke with convention to produce a humdinger of a timetable
for the festive season with... >
It's not
bunkum, it's McCarthyism - Mr Gilberts letter (Jewish
groups are not going for Ken, March 16) senselessly replies
to Charles Pottinss candid letter... >
line fiasco - A recent rag that came through my mailbox
extolled the virtues of the local Labour Party and, in particular,
the painting of double yellow lines in... >
New park
looks wicked - I am writing to say congratulations to Camden
Council for their wicked looking work at Cantelowes Gardens...
> more |