Labour government failing to tackle age-old problems
Vulnerable pensioners are feeling increasingly left behind by the modern world, writes Ken Savage
I AM an angry man. I know people who haven’t bought new underwear for 18 months, because they can’t afford it. If you follow an old person in the supermarket you’ll see... > more |
Did the Town Hall 'cops' go door-to-door in search of missing antiques?
IT has taken the Town Hall nine months to conclude an inquiry into how the personal belongings of several of their tenants who had died had ended up in skips!
According to a report published this week, two council employees have been suspended and charged with misconduct. > more
No locums - PROF Gertrude Falk (Letters August 30) has my wholehearted support! Without West Hampstead Day Hospital, I don’t know where I’d be... > more
Captains of industry win, but the armed forces lose - TWO articles in last Saturday’s Guardian newspaper invite comparison. > more
Alert over powers of attorney - I WISH to draw your readers’ attention to the imminent withdrawal of Enduring Powers of Attorney (EPA) from the end of September. > more
Adoption can be of benefit - YOUR article (We set our own targets on child adoptions, August 30) was a valuable addition to the national debate around... > more
Disappearing maps - RONALD Milne of the British Library complains that a persistent map thief has been sent to jail for only three and a half years, saying... > more
Family courts secrecy gags families - WELL done Trevor Jones and parentsagainstinjustice for his Forum article (An urgent need to abolish... > more
Petition for children - WITH reference to the New Journal’s reports about the sad experiences of local ‘Lil NW5 runaway’ Salma ElSharkawy’s... > more
Remodelling the recycling centre - THE Regis Road recycling centre is currently undergoing a major upgrade. > more
Risk of meltdown in our confidence - AFTER a summer of discontent over the Kentish Town swimming baths’ proposals for their refurbishment, we... > more
It’s important to get things right for the baths - THE Kentish Town Baths Users’ Group was set up by Camden Council so that residents and users could be... > more
Chance to take a stand in support of the Palestinian people - CAMDEN councillors have the opportunity next Monday to take a stand in support of the beleaguered... > more
Welcome - AS Bengali members of the Camden community, we welcome the developing friendship links between Camden and Abu Dis in Palestine. > more
Odd there was no consultation on the depth of the pools - HERE is hoping that the review promised by Cllr Flick Rea actually means that the battle for... > more
What took so long? - I AM relieved to read that Cllr Flick Rea has finally reacted positively to the strong views of future customers at the Kentish Town... > more
What’s in a name? - NEWS of “leisure chiefs” decision (No unisex please we’re changing, August 30) to listen to the public and retreat from unisex changing... > more
Think of shoppers in this battle of the No 393 route - IT seems like a relentless battle between those who feel comfortable with the 393 bus route through... > more
Using this bus service is better than walking - I USED regularly to have to walk the busy and polluted roads between Tufnell Park and Chalk Farm but now.. > more
Hospital’s restaurant signposting is not of the best - IT is a great shock to learn that the Whittington Hospital is considering closing the N19 restaurant at... > more
Library site would suit a mosque - YOUR article (Library site in hands of Town Hall, August 23) suggests the future of the site at the rear of the British... > more
Training to be green - MY apologies to John Gulliver (New Journal, August 30) for not meeting him at the St Pancras launch of the Liberal Democrat... > more |