No such thing as free school meal
Free school meals for every primary school pupil sounds attractive. But there is a price to be paid, warns John Gilbert
I AM proud to be the latest in the long line of Lib Dem finance chiefs on Islington Council. > more |
Streets we must tame - LAST week’s east area committee of Islington Council unanimously supported Councillor Katie Dawson’s proposal to bring in a... > more
Bendy bus space lost - REMOVAL of bendy buses will not make one iota of difference to traffic flow as the space left will be taken up by cars, vans and lorries... > more
Marriages open to all - I FULLY support Tom Freeman’s and Katherine Doyle’s campaign to highlight the continuing inequality between gay and straight people when... > more
Homes: the next step? - AT the recent cycle of the council’s area housing panels, tenants were finally provided with a long-awaited glimpse of the... > more
Clean up this bridge - SHAME on Network Rail for not thinking about Finsbury Park’s development and image (Call for ‘eyesore’ bridge clean-up, November 20). > more
How safe is Sobell? - IN the course of a recent guided tour of the Sobell Centre I was taken to the dojo and introduced to Sampson, the judo instructor. > more
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