The squalor in Pentonville prison is a national disgrace
In the wake of an independent report that slammed ‘disgraceful’ conditions at Pentonville, former Islington Mayor and prison Visitor Pat Haynes lambasts the government treatment of prisoners
INMATES at Pentonville prison are... > more |
We’re left in the dark over secret world where children are victims of statistics
THE more this newspaper pokes around in the undergrowth of the tragic case of Salma ElSharkawy, the more it becomes evident that the suffocating secrecy built around family courts and social workers is largely at the root of the problem.
Hope was raised by the former Secretary of State for Justice, Lord... > more
Café chaos scene was worthy of Basil Fawlty - WITH some friends, I witnessed a fine example of Basil Fawlty-style customer ‘service’ on a recent afternoon... > more
The blame game will not bring Salma back - I THINK that the overall issue in the Salma ElSharkawy case was a lack of her voice being listened to with... > more
Work must continue to beat gang-related violence - YOUR report on the murder of Mahir Osman, and the 13 finally convicted of his killing in Camden... > more
Sham consultations and how not to listen - CONSERVATIVE councillor Andrew Mennear failed in his duty to shame the Liberal Democrat membership... > more
Silly noise is every concert-goers worst nightmare - THE scenario described by your reviewer (Minimalism? This performance was the least I expected... > more
Real hassle -
I READ with interest John Gulliver’s piece (Pickpockets have become the real hassle, August 9). > more
Film offer - FORMER Mayor Jerry Williams has unearthed a video called The Amazing Story of Talacre. > more
Wartime Local Defence Volunteers were more than Dad’s Army -
WITH respect to the Review feature ‘Explosive truths of the war’ (August 2). > more
Provision of council houses is a bandwagon worth getting on - I READ your comment on page 15 (August 9), on the possible fate of the British Library... > more
Too many tenants and leaseholders have suffered from late work - I READ your article on the bungled repairs on the Whittington estate (Bungling... > more
Call centres and costs of Careline - CAMDEN announced that it would be cutting Careline in order to save £100,000 a year. > more
Design for a costume drama - ASSISTANT director of culture for Camden, Fiona Dean, tries to reassure us that things will be suitably modest at the new... > more
Where’s the dignity? - THE assistant director of culture’s letter (Changing rooms will offer sport centre a flexible mix, August 9) offers no comfort whatsoever... > more
Poor form - WHEN I filled in the Kentish Town swimming baths consultation form, with respect to its refurbishment, I naively indicated that I would favour... > more
Taken for pool fools? - IT is obvious that the assistant director of culture for Camden takes all of us for fools (Fiona Dean’s Changing rooms will offer... > more
Village mix, no thanks - IT is obvious from Fiona Dean’s letter (Changing rooms will offer sport centre a flexible mix, August 9) that Camden has no... > more
Evidence of activity down south - IN your article regarding the council’s application for a 4am licence at the Camden Centre, Councillor Abdul Hai is quoted... > more
Remember the safety of cyclists - I WANTED to add my voice to the chorus which I’m sure you have heard calling for improvements (preferably major ones)... > more
Artist’s work impresses as a realistic exploration of poverty - I DO make an effort to pick up the New Journal. > more
Who cares for old folk? - I AM writing for someone who is in very bad health and over 85 years old after reading in your journal how elderly people are treated. > more |