Public art can act as a beacon for our rich cultural heritage
Following mixed reactions to the launch of last week’s vision for a renewed streetscape at Britannia Junction, Simon Pitkeathley defends his plans for Camden Town
HERE’S a confession. Twenty... > more |
High-rise Ken must come back down to earth
WHAT’S come over Ken Livingstone?
In the early part of his mayoralty you could put up the right boxes, and he would come up smiling. > more
Shining example of forgiveness - I WOULD like to praise Aisha Samator (front page of last week’s New Journal) for her extreme courage of faith, much regards to... > more
A case of the councillor quoting Gilby - ON Thursday September 17 Councillor Chris Philp was distributing leaflets outside Hampstead Heath station, hailing... > more
A fitting tribute to the late, great Louis MacNeice - THANK you for the excellent double feature on Louis MacNeice, the centenary of whose birth has not been... > more
Our tannoy is torture! - SO Belsize Park travellers are joining the happy band of tannoy sufferers (The next station is..., September 27). We have had it at Chalk... > more
We need better shops - READING your article about Camden Town’s streets (£7m revamp, September 20), could I suggest an older woman’s shoe shop plus... > more
Why it’s a challenging time for us - I AM a reader of Rose Hacker’s column and a believer in God (Religious questions that haunt me, September 13). > more
This route is too short - IS there any reason why the route 393 bus from Clapton to Morrison’s filling station at Chalk Farm cannot be continued to the superstore? > more
Stigma haunts children with state as parents - LONDON district judge Nicholas Crichton made some interesting points in his opinion piece (Salma, and why we... > more
Wardens slapped fines on car – and then removed it - IN answer to Robin Mackay Miller’s question (Why did parking wardens walk past this car? > more
Stop this yah-boo point-scoring - I DEPLORE Councillor Roger Robinson’s attacks on Camden’s portfolio holder for housing, Councillor... > more
Language barriers - WHY do some people not like to pronounce the letters T or H, for instance, or drop letters? They also assume you know what they are going to... > more
Witchhunt claims somewhat fanciful - I HAVE not had the opportunity to look into the incident regarding Haverstock Citizens Panel, and feel this is a matter for... > more
Whatever happened to accountability to tenants? - THE chairman of Camden Association of Street Properties (CASP) fails to mention that behind the... > more
Will care be rationed? - I AM an older person in sheltered housing and, although I do not need a home care service, my neighbours have a service provided. > more
It’s bravo for Boris Johnson - I WAS so relieved that Boris Johnson described Cilla Carron’s throwing a bucket of water over a cocaine addict as deserving of... > more
Resist heating bills with all your might - LEASEHOLDERS on the Brunswick estate (Heating bills are a bit rich, September 27) are right to be worried. We were... > more
Standing by the rules - I AM outraged at the perfidious Labour suggestion that there may have been some breach in the rules governing whether I may still stand... > more
Where is your coalition? - ABOUT alleged “coalition of citizens and community groups” opposition to the Brill Place (Lobby groups unite to save British Library... > more
With friends like Mayor Ken - REGARDING the upcoming London Mayor elections – isn’t it time to think a little about Ken Livingstone’s “achievements” so far? > more
Hypocrisy in the Parking Services - ROBIN Mackay Millar’s letter (Why did parking wardens walk past this car?, September 27), highlights the hypocrisy of... > more |