We’ll pay a high price for this glass and steel office block!
A historic market could be lost forever if a developer’s plans are approved at an inquiry, writes Paddy Pugh
A high-profile public inquiry is underway that will decide the fate of part of ... > more |
Academies could suffer under new school of thought
POLITICS usually seems to proceed at a snail’s pace. But sometimes it flashes by like lightning. Faced with various options on a project, politicians try and fall back on to a sixth sense. But entrenched ideas and the hope that one can get by come what ...>more
Home sales bring misery - THE council is claiming to have solved the problem of funding improvements to Camden’s homes and estates – all without requiring ... > more
Sell poppies in 2008 - BERNARD Kissen laments the demise of poppies in Camden and Kentish Towns (Where’ve all the flowers gone? November 8). They were... > more
Friends demand a decision on bid for ‘Town Green’ status - I was at the council meeting on November 5 when the deputation for the Town Green status was put... > more
We’ve lost the plot on fireworks! - ALTHOUGH no great fan of fireworks myself, I think your correspondent Anita Brooks (Letters, November 8) was being a little... > more
Fish ‘killers’ let off hook - THANK you for the letters concerning the fish killing at Hampstead Heath ponds (November 1). I agree with your correspondent that... > more
Be a sport, save park - IN allowing the theft of unique public park land, Westminster and Camden councils and the Royal Parks Agency are creating a dangerous... > more
Care put on the line - PLEASE help to save our Careline. Part of the work of Careline (Camden’s home alarm service for the vulnerable) is being given out to... > more
Centre loss a ‘scandal’ - I agree with every word of Hugh Sturrock’s letter about the demise of the Highgate Centre (November 1). It’s one of the worst scandals... > more
Less talk! - WHY can’t we have a “mobile free” café in Camden?
Time and time again my quiet enjoyment of a coffee and the New Journal is... > more
Tenants and leaseholders object - THE planned council Housing Management ‘Improvement’ Programme does not augur well for tenants and leaseholders. > more
How to keep busy - I'M fed up with hearing and reading that young people or teenagers have “nothing to do and nowhere to go”. As a teenager myself totally disagree. > more
Looking forward to the first absinthe tasting - IT'S great news that the Rimbaud/Verlaine house has been sold to people who wish to honour its legacy (Poets’ legacy... > more
It’s pistols at dawn - SUE Prickett of the Leighton Road Neighbourhood Association says “TfL should be hung, drawn and quartered for the decision of the route of the... > more
Beating speeding - I often listen to residents complain about the lack of police time devoted to enforcing speed limits in Camden. Of course, it is sadly true that... > more
Heading for a crisis - ROGER Robinson’s letter, November 8, highlights the problems caused by the Labour government’s housing policy over the last 10 years. He... > more
Setting the priorities for Kentish Town - THE first Kentish Town Area Forum was held in Kentish Town Library on Tuesday. Area forums are a new way for residents... > more
Fears for England as a big slum - NO political party wants to delve into the history of social housing and how it has come to its present parlous state of utter... > more