15-year-old girl fighting crippling disease faces deportation
A TEENAGER fighting a crippling one-in-a-million genetic disease to become a star pupil has been left in turmoil by a Home Office decision to deport her to India. > more |
Paranoid killer stabbed girlfriend
Judge warns knifeman who heard voices that he may never be released from mental unit
A PARANOID schizophrenic will be held in a mental unit indefinitely after admitting killing his girlfriend. > more |
Public inquiry into road closures for apartments - PLANS to close off a Kentish Town street so that developers can build a seven-storey apartment block will be... > more
Uncle of killer found hanged in cell attacks prison - THE uncle of a killer found hanged in his Belmarsh cell has criticised the prison service for leaving his nephew... > more
Get-tough family court a lifeline for parents who abuse drugs - A PIONEERING court aiming to help parents with drug abuse problems keep hold of their children... > more
Father faces grilling from his son at inquest into death of feminist poet - THE son of a renowned feminist poet quizzed his father about her death during a tense... > more
‘Unfit’ Hampstead police station will close in three years - FOR sale: a listed Hampstead icon with massive room for development and a romantic criminal... > more
Man found in pool of own blood - A MYSTERY attack left a 25-year-old man lying in the road with a fractured skull in Hampstead on Monday evening. > more
Doctor mixes opera with endoscopies - HE is a leading liver disease doctor whose work has benefited countless lives. > more
Indie pub’s hamper night crammed with classical goodies - MANY a VIP has passed through the backstage doors of the Dublin Castle pub in Camden Town. > more
Repairs to kids’ pool - THE kids pool at Swiss Cottage is going to close for 10 days in December after a movable floor broke. > more
‘Disgrace’: bus killer cleared of murder - A KNIFEMAN who stabbed a fellow bus passenger to death was cleared of murder on Thursday in a decision... > more
Tenants’ party day - TENANTS’ groups are to take a day off from their fight against funding cuts to celebrate the 35th birthday of an umbrella organisation... > more
Jumble sale raises thousands of pounds for girls’ school funds - BARGAIN hunters helped raised more than £3,500 from a jumble sale at Camden School for... > more
It’s no Zen garden centre as burglars bag Buddha statues - BUDDHA burglars have struck at a Kentish Town garden centre for the second time this year... > more
Bazaar fun and games add extra cash to the ‘smoothie’ efforts of Age Concern - AGE Concern’s successful Christmas bazaar raised more than £500 on Saturday. > more
Probe into estate agent’s schooldays - AN estate agent who is standing trial accused of swindling a mentally-ill client out of shares and savings has been asked to... > more
Fears cycle lane will give criminals an escape route - CYCLISTS and police are at odds over the planned route of Camden’s newest bike lane which some security... > more
Broadcaster backs kids’ support service - BROADCASTER Jon Snow gave Camden’s youth something to shout about this week when he emphasised the... > more
Lifeguard killed in ‘freak’ bus accident - A DAREDEVIL lifeguard was killed by a double-decker bus in the early hours of Saturday. > more
Town Hall lead the way on dog training - STOPPING just short of teaching old dogs new tricks, Camden Council is doggedly trying to counter canine control... > more
NEWS IN BRIEF - Warning for terrapin man - HEATH park staff caught a man dumping four terrapins in the Highgate ponds – just as they were implementing... > more |