Landmark win in costs battle to put all our houses in order
A tribunal has ruled that the Town Hall must consult leaseholders before appointing contractors – a decision that could mean large savings, argues Dr Peter Wright
LEASEHOLDERS across Camden... > more |
What if? Superlab shouldn’t be a safety experiment
GENUINE fears are raised by the proposed installation of what will be Britain’s biggest research laboratory in Brill Place, Somers Town.
No attempt should be made to cover them up, sweep them away, or dilute them with political spin. > more
Grass-roots movements grow when need arises - COUNCILLOR Paul Braithwaite should listen to his voters rather than brand his own constituents “vigilantes”... > more
We shall be pressing for ‘decent homes’ funding - WITH the mayoral election upon us, I want to reassure any doubters that this council will be pressing the mayor’s... > more
Snookered by potty decision - AS a relatively new resident in Camden, a borough whose amenities I have appreciated for years, I was pleasantly surprised to find a... > more
Marvellous memories of ‘melody lane’ Marquee - THE article by Don Ryan relating the 1960s Soho Music scene brought back many happy memories. > more
Now young people can look forward to that £4.5m - IN your report (Youth club cash cuts ‘wrong way top show respect’, warns minister, April 24), Richard Osley reported... > more
Dogged by nanny state - A further example of the nanny state? > more
Cycle link scheme would hit estate’s security - LET me make it crystal clear following the letter from Paul Braithwaite (New Journal, April 17) about the cycle link... > more
Youth funding matters - AS chair of one of the community centres refused funding for universal youth work by Councillor John Bryant I wrote to him seeking... > more
Raw nerve regarding Europe - YOUR Comment regarding the death of Camden schoolgirl Zarine Rentia (March 27) and the iniquitous way in which the... > more
When the ultimate price is losing your home - CONCERNING your story (Builders ‘rigged prices’, April 24), council tenants, no less than leaseholders, are... > more
Problems with house restoration - WE read Dan Carrier’s report in Property Week (Man sinking a fortune into building pool, April 17). > more
Shifting a school - THE first question in Camden’s consultation on the future of Frank Barnes was “should the school remain at its present location?” > more
Stakes are sky high - I noticed, not for the first time, this last Saturday the shocking sight of a noisy helicopter drifting around aimlessly over Westminster and Camden... > more
Safer Neighbourhoods and people power - IT suddenly dawned on me that Cantelowes Safer Neighbourhoods citizens panel is now in its fourth year. > more
Rules of the road – and the changes that raise cash - YOUR correspondent Jeremy Codd (Rules of the road absurdity, Letters April 24) fails to recognise the... > more
Defence of the realm - YOUR story of the Home Guard (Plaque for Jack, poster boy of a war campaign, April 24) refers to readiness to defend one’s home village and... > more
Just the remedy - I would like to thank the Adelaide Medical Centre for replacing the bone-crusher plastic chairs with nice padded ones – much better for... > more
Give back our paths and parks! - WHY does Camden Council supinely accede to the police’s demands to close paths and parks, generally without any sort of... > more
Caretakers’ must wait for a final decision - SADLY it seems that the agonising wait for Camden’s housing caretakers and a majority of concerned Camden’s... > more
Quality of candidates - I am sure I am not alone in finding the electoral system used in the current mayoral and London assembly elections as unfair as the one used... > more
Response to anti-social behaviour ‘more joined up’ - OVER the last two years I’ve worked with a great many amazing people – from council officers and police... > more
Courageous - PRAISE is due for Dirce Ganci (Pensioner: How I fought off knifeman, April 24) for her extreme courage to stand up her to attacker. > more |