Disaffection a threat to the democratic process
The system of MPs’ allowances is to be reformed, but the country should not be punished for the scandal that Parliament has to endure, argues Glenda Jackson
PARLIAMENT, having been defined by the public and press as being nothing... > more |
The fight for funds can spark a revival of real politics
IF Parliament, full of flummery and MPs weirdly out of touch with the nation, doesn’t get it – does Camden Council?
We realise the predicament facing the council, along with most other local authorities. They are being starved of finances by central government. > more
Post office closure decision foolish and disruptive - I WONDER if Vimal Shah, the pharmacist involved in the imminent closure of the post office in his shop... > more
Why every vote counts on June 4 - ON June 4 we are faced with the prospect of the European parliamentary elections where turn-out is historically very low and... > more
Act now to tackle shortage of primary places - YOUR article highlighted a shocking problem: the shortage of primary school places in the borough. > more
We are seeking the best deal for the Town Hall Annexe site - I WRITE to explain more about the council’s plans for the site of the Camden Town Hall Annexe. > more
Local fears about the future of play centre site - THE Weedington Road Play Centre in Gospel Oak is a much needed facility for young people. > more
What have the tenants got to lose? - DARE I ask how much the council tenants you spoke to recently are paying for the complete refurbishment of their homes? > more
For Charlie Ratchford - I HAVE heard that when this Liberal Democrat/Conservative administration at Camden Council rip down the Charlie Ratchford Centre... > more
Switching parties - LAST week I resigned as a member of the Camden Liberal Democrats and joined the Conservatives – not an easy decision. > more
Whitestone is wrong for fountains - THE Centre Point fountains were designed for an intensely urban setting and this should be taken into account when planning... > more
A model to be followed? - SO John Murphy, the contractor who died recently, was said to be a pillar of the Irish community in London. I wouldn’t hold him up as an... > more
Che’s exiled grandson - WITH regards to your book review “How Che sowed the seeds of Cuba’s success” (May 7), your readers might be interested in comments by... > more
Staff cuts to save libraries - CAMDEN’S library staff members do face job insecurity, (CNJ May 14). So does everyone in the country lucky enough to have a job. > more |