Barney: why we’ll sue Town Hall for his death
Patrick Allen says Barney Kennedy would not have died if the council had taken basic precautions to maintain Mayfield estate
BARNEY Kennedy was working on scaffolding on the side of Mayford, a block... > more
Elderly and disabled are easy picking for snoopers
THE 19th century Poor Laws are alive and well in Camden!
The vulnerable have been prey to Town Hall economies for decades. Whenever the old Labour-controlled council required a few hundred thousand pounds in the kitty, rapacious eyes would be turned to, among other things, the services... > more
Walk the talk against phone masts
Walk the talk against phone masts - ABBIE Keith is right to oppose the phone mast at Bedford House in her letter of 19 April (We are powerless to object to phone... > more
Last orders for bygone era - CAN I respond to Councillor Fulbrook’s letter asking why the Liberal Democrat-led administration has closed the bar that used to... > more
Absurd snub to true pioneer of anti-apartheid movement - CONGRATULATIONS from South Africa to the New Journal for its highlighting of an injustice to... > more
Homes could still be restored - THE planning situation at King’s Cross may be complicated, as Judith Martin states, but her excellent letter has clarity... > more
School ‘holy days’ a threat to cohesion - I AM a migrant and regret to say that the hypocrisy and double standards of immigrants escalate beyond belief... > more
How to fund shuttle buses - FAR from saying that funding for school transport schemes should come from the taxpayer, School Travel Action Group (Stag) has... > more
Prison listeners ready in a crisis - AT Pentonville there is a team of dedicated listeners, all trained by the Samaritans, who provide 24-hour assistance to any... > more
They have no right to sell ‘family silver' - CAMDEN Council’s plans to sell off three of the borough’s elderly persons’ homes and build new care homes or sheltered... > more
We do deal with addicts - SO Nick Bilby, chief executive of ABC Pharmacy thinks that we are being harsh in our perception of drug addicts, and how proud his... > more
Here they go again, underhandedly trying to privatise our housing - CAMDEN Council wants to raise the white flag of surrender over the long running campaign... > more
Somali work must go on - IN the light of your report on the stabbing of Mahir Osman and the moving words of Somali youth workers (Three guilty of cruel... > more
Some parents can’t avoid the school run - CAMDEN council need to recognise that there are countless parents who do not have an alternative but to drive... > more
Dogs aren’t the problem - IN Highgate lately I have passed notices of a perceived problem with dogs in Waterlow Park. I do not have a dog, but believe... > more
Estates’ waste policy is unfair - WITH regard to recent news items on Camden’s waste collections – residents are complaining that their two rubbish... > more
Tell us if library site is on borrowed time - I ATTENDED the tenants and residents meeting at which the future of the land behind the Britsih Library was... > more
Pass fiasco will cost votes - I HAVE always thought that the Lib Dems were Tories in disguise and now this fiasco over the Freedom Pass for the elderly... > more
Time to be good sport, Mayor - ONCE upon a time, I would have trusted Ken Livingstone to save the Talacre Sports Centre from the clutches of the private... > more
Launch enquiry on road closure - I HAVE written to the Mayor Ken Livingstone to urge him to recommend a full public enquiry into the Dalby Street road closure. > more
Cyclists in danger at Square - GIVEN that the Tavistock Square cycle route is being not so much dug up as demolished by Thames Water, just a few months... > more