Why are we still ganging up on our black youths?
Criminalised and demonised, young black men in Britain are being pushed away, says Dr Richard Smith
TONY Blair made his recent comments on the need for black communities... > more
These planning cowboys need a sheriff to keep them in check
THE fear that another monstrous Canary Wharf development may arise on the site of the abandoned Middlesex Hospital in Goodge Street is understandably sending shivers down the back of residents.
It perfectly highlights the essentially flawed system of planning controls that govern the capital. > more
These planning cowboys need a sheriff to keep them in check - THE fear that another monstrous Canary Wharf development may arise on the site of the... > more
Bank account checks have Stasi overtones - LAST weekend I went to see the recently- released film The Lives of Others about the Stasi, the former East... > more
Our amazing fringe theatre deserves audiences’ support - I WAS interested to read what actress Belinda Lang had to say about the refusal of a Lottery... > more
Cyclists would take over Heath - NICOLE Segre asks: “Why assume that the Heath should be primarily reserved for the enjoyment of walkers?” (A bicycle... > more
We’ve been cheated by sale of Stanley - I AM really beginning to worry about Councillor Keith Moffitt’s ability to run the show in Camden in a sustainable... > more
Muslims are part of area - I WAS saddened to read the letter from Sunil Kumar Pal last week (Holy days a threat to cohesion). It seems that Mr Pal gave up... > more
It’s only fair to tell us if it’s illegal to park -
THE other Sunday evening at 6.40pm, I received a parking ticket in Bedford Square, Bloomsbury, being parked... > more
Let’s have a GCSE for nation of poets- I WOULD like to see Camden take a lead and lobby for GCSE courses in Somali. > more
Local beauty ruined - I LIVE in Holsworthy Square. One of the jewels here was a huge, beautiful jasmine ‘hedge’ which gladdened the heart with its... > more
Shop talk - IN replying to my letter (A Tesco would be good, March 29), K Y McKay is not focused on the reason – need – why a modern store selling at fair... > more
Recycling colours are not green - THE recent statements from our Lib Dem /Conservative council on their commitment to the environment seem... > more
Bad school situation looks set to get worse - ADRIAN Betham is quite right to say that a new secondary school is needed in the south of the borough... > more
Stop the hanging around -
GROUPS of young people are hanging around Chalton Street, Somers Town, mainly because they have nothing else to do... > more
Dalby Street closure a recipe for disaster - A DRAFT Servicing Management Plan for the proposed New Dalby Street makes for astonishing reading... > more
Tax divide is not yet decided - DUDLEY Miles said he shared Father Hawkins’ distress at the reduced funding by the Liberal Democrat-Conservative... > more
Save our care homes - PHOEBE Watkins’ letter questioning Camden council’s proposals to sell-off its residential care homes makes a lot of sense... > more
Battle of the Almos - AFTER the Almo fiasco it’s hard to believe that the duly elected members of our council refuse to learn their lesson ... > more
Whittington action is long overdue - IN respect of your article on the failing repair project at the Whittington Estate, Highgate Newtown (Estate revamp... > more
Give councillors credit where due -
WHEN candidates stand for election, most have a hope that they can make a significant change for the better... > more