Salma, and why we must find right balance in family courts
After the tragic death of Salma ElSharkawy, public access to social services cases involving children remains a tightrope issue, says district judge Nicholas Crichton
I HAVE read of the tragic death... > more |
A beacon? It’s high time we remembered heroes!
THE ideas some people come up with! Without tasting the public mind, the good planners are preparing to erect a 30ft beacon in the centre of Camden Town to celebrate the area.
It sounds like the sort of bright idea that should never have been switched on.
What about a gigantic frieze embossed with figures representing the great and the good who have passed through down the ages? Or a single sculptured figure, encompassing similar qualities? > more
Preserve this area’s character - IN the excellent Conservation Area Statement, Camden expresses its interest and concern that the character of this area should... > more
Thank you to Rose - I HAVE enjoyed Rose Hacker’s column nearly every week since it started appearing. > more
Loose slabs - I’VE just almost fallen over outside Sainsbury’s in Camden Road, just as another, older, man tripped on the appalling, dangerous and extremely uneven... > more
Art Asbo? - I AM concerned about your article on Rowland Matthews, (Homeless pavement artist is ‘threatened with an Asbo by police’, September 20) and... > more
A blind eye to violence - MY son was mugged for his £30 mobile telephone by four youths on bicycles. This happened yards away from a bus stop full of people. > more
Full story of Kiln Place - YOUR story (Election vow is unachievable, September 20) about the heating system at Kiln Place, which re-hashed a story you have run... > more
Give us a chance to protect Holly Lodge - THE Residents’ Campaign and the discussions that we have had with Cllr Chris Naylor and council... > more
Talking about housing? Try listening for once! - THE newest piece of tongue in cheek by this Lib-Dem/Tory controlled council is a “light hearted film” they have... > more
Parks are not for concreting over - THE putting on hold of the plan to build, in Regent’s Park, 10 five-a-side football pitches... > more
The next station is... - I JUST want to congratulate the bright sparks at Belsize Park Tube station who have commissioned the new Tannoy announcements. > more
Just what’s affordable housing? - Readers will be aware of the huge new property development being planned on the site of the old Middlesex Hospital... > more
Eastman site not on - FURTHER to the letter (Eastman is big enough, September 20) concerning the Eastman Hospital being a possible site for the new Camden... > more
Make a date this Sunday - SUNDAY September 30 is ‘Back to Church’ day and a survey has shown that many people would respond “with the right invitation”. > more
Infection control and the importance of openness - WE invited Annette Jeanes, the director of Infection Prevention and Control, University College London... > more
Police challenge of working with public - THANKS to Beverly Gardner (Forum, September 20) I now finally understand what this Safer Neighbourhoods... > more
King’s loyal enemy aliens and others - I WAS delighted to read in your paper of Dr Helen Fry’s tribute to The King’s Most Loyal Enemy Aliens... > more
House with a history - WITH reference to the sale of street properties (Town Hall homes to go under the hammer as sell-off begins, September 20). > more
Key role for Islamic centre - MUSLIMS can pray at any mosque, regardless of race or culture (Just what kind of ‘Islamic centre’ do they propose? September 20). > more
Finally, mystery of boiler room sabotage is being investigated - AT last someone has taken seriously the story of the £120,000 sabotage of the gas supply to... > more
Why did parking wardens walk past this car? - IN April, when I complained about confusing parking signs, I wrote: “I feel like buying myself an unregistered... > more |