Behind the strikes, a big issue: must everything turn a profit?
Mail workers are in the front line of a continuing battle over how the Post Office should be run. Tony Benn believes that what is at stake is nothing less than a test of our society
LET us be absolutely clear... > more |
Is Haverstock now a business commodity?
BIT by bit too many public services are being allowed to slip into private hands, even though arguments that the free market is best – heard so loudly in the 1990s – are now being questioned.
Now, in Camden this week comes news – uncomfortable to ... > more
Citizens’ questions on Safer Neighbourhoods - THE jointly authored letter by the current chair of Haverstock Safer Neighbourhood Panel Simon Horvat-Marcovic... > more
So why not concrete over Regent’s Park? - I 'DON'T understand why Simon Jenkins is making so much fuss about Goals Soccer Centres’ plans to concrete... > more
Remember Sunday as a day of rest? - SUNDAY used to be a day of rest; the roads were quieter and buses were quicker and more reliable. > more
A credit to borough - I WOULD like to add my condolences to the many that you have received at the passing of former Mayor of Camden, Bob Hall. > more
No to humiliation, but yes to ‘generous’ benefits means-testing - I WOULD like to answer the letter you printed concerning pensions (Should pensioners... > more
Night and day waste - HOW disappointing it is to see the external communal lighting at St Joseph’s flats in Drummond Crescent blazing out into the daylight... > more
Repairs are too costly - I APPLAUD Councillor Roger Robinson (Talking about housing – Try listening for once, September 27) highlighting the overpriced... > more
‘Misleading’ on right-to-buy and homes for sale - HOUSING chief Chris Naylor really doesn’t do anyone any favours by trying to pull the wool over people’s... > more
Promises on central heating - REGARDING Chris Philp’s letter extolling the Tories’ virtues (Full story of Kiln Place, September 27) – he seems to have ignored... > more
Shine the light on menace of drug dealers - THE Safer Neighbourhoods policy is about creating a safer environment for the entire community and involves... > more
When will we see our original Tube sign again, Ken? - I AM angry to see that the original Tube sign from Kentish Town tube station has been removed overnight... > more
Park pitches ‘desecration’ - REGENT 'S Park is an area of outstanding beauty, enjoyed by thousands of people every day (Pitch battle over park’s... > more
Wrong site - WHAT kind of signal does it send when the only remaining truly natural space in Regent’s Park is turned over to development for the least... > more
Our people need homes - I HAVE always been under the impression that housing associations were formed to help people to obtain affordable... > more
Mixed message on law and order issues? - WELL done to the New Journal for exposing the true life underbelly of Camden streets (The £1,000 a day dealer... > more
Praise where praise is due for this excellent work - I AM amazed that Pam Gilby writes that Cllr Chris Philp has not been active in Gospel Oak Ward... > more
Real police, please… - I REFER to the letter (Policing successes with Safer Neighbourhoods, October 11) from Simon Horvat-Marcovic and Steve... > more
My party leader was right to fall on his sword - SO Sir Menzies Campbell has done the honourable thing, he’s fallen on his sword. > more
Bridge work - AFTER last year’s saga of repairs to West Hampstead railway bridge and the eternal traffic jams of that time, a big hole appeared on the... > more
Early morning noise on railway line - WE are again woken on October 13 by a bunch of contractors shouting down the railway line to each other at Lismore... > more
Results tell of policing successes - PEOPLE have taken a lot of space in your pages in recent weeks to say not very much, but all negative, about Safer... > more |