Shop closures will follow £70m deal
AT a time when the three national political parties are promoting sustainable communities and the importance of small businesses to the community, Islington Council has chosen to go in the opposite direction.
More than 200 small businesses are to bear the brunt of the council’s decision to sell the freehold of their commercial properties to one of the richest... > more |
Threat to invaluable computer centre - THREE weeks ago, I wrote to eight Lib Dem councillors about the possible closure of Islington Computer... > more
Clones taking over our high streets - MINI-supermarket branches like Sainsbury Local and Tesco Express are sprouting up in more and more “village”... > more
Hypocrisy over closures of post offices - I FIND it complete hypocrisy that the Lib Dems have suddenly decided to oppose the government’s plans to reduce... > more
Freedom of information could start in MP’s offices - I SMILED with cynicism on reading that MP Jeremy Corbyn is alarmed by the proposed amendment to... > more
Help save our parish centre - WE have great concerns over St Joseph’s community centre in Highgate. > more
Who will pay for this poll? - I WOULD like to ask Councillor Lucy Watt if the £90,000 cost of the referendum on higher parking charges for gas-guzzling cars... > more
Another defeat for Bridget? - FOLLOWING Bridget Fox’s most recent contribution to the letters page (Where blame lies for shutting post offices, May 25)... > more
Who can afford all these new homes? - ALL around me I see new houses being built, not by Islington Council but by private developers. > more |