Camden’s vulnerable lose their link to a brighter future
A lifeline for those bewildered by the maze of benefits and employment rights will close this month, writes Mike Haran, manager of the Camden Tribunal Unit
FOR 25 years Camden Tribunal... > more |
Pen-pushers are Town Hall’s true ruling class
PEEL away the debate over who pays for the wall that tragically killed a two-year-old boy in Gospel Oak (See page 3) and you will find it reveals an age old problem centring on the question: Who runs the Town Hall – politicians or the officials?
At present, it seems officials have – however provisionally – decided to... > more
Insight into St Pancras history - A FEW weeks ago, I had the pleasure of discovering something of how the old Midland Grand Hotel at St Pancras... > more
Ash to ashes: it’s a sad end for my social smoking - I AM a peaceful 81-year-old living in sheltered housing and have enjoyed a cigarette with my mug... > more
We must have extra places for south of borough - AS I write we are already five weeks through an eight week consultation period on Camden’s Building... > more
We need a more radical approach - I WAS encouraged to read in your paper that, once again, a meeting to showcase plans for a secondary school in... > more
It’s up to Mayor Ken to sort out the 393 debacle - RECENTLY there has been much correspondence regarding the 393 bus along Leighton Road. > more
Mosques – inclusive or exclusive buildings? - AS Labour councillors we urge the council to continue its longstanding work to identify a site in the south of the... > more
Fencing has brought area back to us - Ingestre Tenants’ Association would like to respond to Ruth Granoth’s letter (Treated as second rate, August 30). > more
In the market for purchasing a teddy bear? - REGARDING the Covent Garden article (Garden Piazza!, August 30) there appears to be a mix of facts... > more
And yes, we do have to wear ear plugs - WE all know that Camden and London is a busy place to live and therefore can be noisy. > more
Cuts will hit the vulnerable - I AM writing to express my anger with Camden Council’s job cuts of workers in the temporary and supported housing group. > more
Young are also victims - YOU are right to report on the menace of muggers on the Finchley Road (Blitz on muggers who prey on pupils, September 6). > more
Parking is just a farce - IT should be pointed out that the consultation that took place made no mention of the reduction of parking available on the... > more
Live exports on the move - MANY readers may not be aware that lifting the ban on exports of British beef has allowed the live export trade to resume... > more
Why this school? - ONE question was asked repeatedly to UCL’s provost Malcolm Grant during the only public meeting he saw fit to organise or attend... > more
Alternative route, please - I WOULD like to add my voice to the debate on the 393 bus route. We all seem to agree that this extension is a positive move... > more
Enough of celebrities - I AM sick to death of celebrities, who think, because they have made a lot of money, that they have the right to run our lives. > more
Build homes - IN reply to John Lefley’s comments (Letters, September 6) I think instead of building a mosque on the area in question it would be better suited... > more
Careline and who is to blame - I’M glad Councillor Martin Davies (Letters, September 6) found your editorial comment on Careline interesting. > more
Thanks for service - I WOULD like to say a big thank you to the... > more
Peace of mind - WITH regard to the letter (A buzzer won’t bring me back to land of the living, August 30), I want to say that the peace of mind it gives me... > more |