Sale of GP surgeries: a slippery slope to corporate-run NHS
NHS bosses must look again at the controversial awarding of doctors’ surgeries contracts to private US firms, says John Lipetz
I WELCOME the prominence the New Journal has given in recent editions to... > more |
School’s statement suggests Dobbo’s sleight-of-hand
IS there a glimmer of light for the parents who have been campaigning for more than a year for a school to be built in south Camden – a campaign supported by this newspaper?
A statement by the Department for Children, Schools and Families issued this week suggests that a new school in the south is now slipping onto an agenda that would be favourably considered by the Whitehall powers-that-be. > more
Homes sell-off unacceptable - IN response to the article (Developers pay millions at council’s homes auction, February 28). > more
College Lane campaign too narrow - DELIGHTED as we all are that the planning committee have unanimously rejected the wholly unacceptable plan for... > more
So happy to get out of hospital alive - COLIN Ludlow’s experiences very much echo my own, when I spent time in the Royal Free in 2006 (‘I went into hospital for... > more
Viewed as sub-prime people on prime land - ON the Maiden Lane estate they want to knock our houses down and kick us out. > more
Personal services - ALL well and good (Behind massage parlour front, the trafficked women forced to sell sex, February 28), you are quite right to expose the... > more
All up for grabs, including profits of sickness and death - I COULDN’T agree more with June Gibson’s comments (Government provides us with a bad example to... > more
No shifting the blame on this loss of projects £10m - I WAS delighted last December when the government promised Camden Council almost £10 million to use... > more
Hopes for Jubilee - LESTER May is right (Jubilee Centre scandal, February 28) and we don’t want to see Jubilee Waterside Centre lying idle either. > more
Smokers have rights - ACCORDING to Professor Julian LeGrand, chairman of Health England, forcing smokers to apply for a £10 permit to buy cigarettes could... > more
Noisy eyes in the sky - I SO agree with Paul Gathercole (Night flying of helicopters is a regular noise problem, February 21). > more
In praise of Patrick - MAY I join in the tributes to Patrick Breen, whose sad and premature death you have reported (A generous, loyal and lovably stubborn press man... > more
Kind offer - I LOST my wallet containing all my credit cards, nearly £100 in cash as well as lot of other valuable items when I left it behind at a shop in Kentish Town Road... > more
Ho ho ho, but hospital has proud history - THE fine courtyard in front of the fine old Middlesex Hospital, in which I trained as a nurse some 50 years ago, was an... > more
New head, new rules? - WITH regard to the police woman coming to Hampstead school, first I would like to ask why home office minister and MP Meg Hillier was... > more
Garage regulation smacks of Big Brother - CAMDEN Council have now been recruited by the Labour Party to collect information regarding vehicle taxes, by issuing... > more
‘One of the noblest of streets’ - CAMDEN Council gave permission for redevelopment as flats of Nos 3, 5 & 7 Fitzjohn’s Avenue with retention of the facades. > more
We’ll have our say - CAMDEN Council has not considered any planning applications for Euston Station and I note that Sydney and London Properties consulted six... > more
Safety first? - THE executive member for Camden’s housing Councillor Chris Naylor is beginning to sound like a scratched record, particularly when he states his... > more
Park built for residents has been ‘taken over’ by teenagers - AROUND Queens Crescent, Grafton and Vicars roads the park built for babies and toddlers has... > more
Seemingly under siege - OF late, Camden seems to be under siege: The Primary Care Trust has just orchestrated a highly dubious so-called consultation which... > more
This is vile injustice - CAMDEN’S Liberal Democrat/ Tory compact now makes decisions affecting the lives of the most vulnerable of its residents without without fear... > more
Special memory of my dance with James Maxton - REGARDING the article about Hetty Bower’s protest against the Iraq War, (Hetty’s trip to No 10 says a lot about... > more
Fight for the money - YOU reported how council homes were sold for millions of pounds more than expected. > more |